Remote Hub and IR Hub (v3) provides control over Local Video Player application, Samsung TV, and Bomaker sound bar:
- Remote can control Samsung TV and Bomaker sound bar independently using fork of IRremote 3.6.0 library (implement bug fix for led feedback when receiving and sending simultaneously)
- IrScrutinizer version 2.3.0 used to reconstruct IR signals for discontinued sound bar
- ESP8288 ESP-01 Wi-Fi module used to relay joystick movement to laptop for mouse control via TCP communication application (also integrated into LVP-WPF and Local Video Player projects)
- IRHub features:
- relay IR commands so unused buttons on Samsung TV remote can be used for sound bar
- connects to LVP-WPF and Local Video Player application via serial port to provide control via infrared signals
- intercepts Samsung TV power signal and relays power on/off signal for sound bar
- Version 1
- Version 2